Why Mental Heath is more important than our Physical health?

Why Mental Heath is more important than our Physical health?

        The state of being free from illness or injury is the right definition of health. When speaking or writing about health most of us focusing only on our physical system or our external skin. Mental health is also the most important thing as our physical health. In today’s dynamic world, pressurized job, targeting goals, insufficient time, unhealthy and malnutritioned foods taking care of our brain and mental health is almost the challenging one. Our body is a respondent and it accepts whatever the order the mind imposes on it. That’s where the quote goes “It’s the power of the mind to go Unconquerable”. If we feed happy thoughts and spread positive vibes in and around us, the body stays healthy or else it does the reverse. Stress, Anxiety and feeling overwhelmed are the topmost mental health issues affecting employees at the work. A survey indicates nearly 57% of employees were completely suffering from depression due to stress. A study shows that stress has the power to kill your body cells more than a cancer tumour. It is also observed that most of the illness are the sources of stress, depression and anxiety. Heart diseases, Gastro intestinal problems, Head ache, Eye related ailments, Obesity, Diabetes and the list elongates. Along with ailments in the body, it also lands up most of the people in Suicide. Nearly one million people deaths per year are from suicide. The saddest part in all these observations are, teenagers and mid-aged people between the age 30-45 are sufferers in all these defectives.

As the word goes “If you take care of mind, you take care of world”. The world mental health day is observed on 10 October every year by World Federation for Mental health from 1992. Include foods like Blueberries, Eggs, Dark Chocolate, Fish, Green vegetables and Nuts in your regular diet, since they are rich in Omega 3, Vitamin B and D, Amino acids and Anti-oxidants which can keep you away from Depression. Nuts especially Walnuts are considered to be the best nuts for brain health are rich in Omega 3 acids and DHA. Omega 3 acids plays an important role in maintaining neuronal structure of brain and can help to prevent Bipolar depression and stress. Vitamin B and D are helpful to create antidepressant in our brain. Anti-oxidants are responsible for reversing the age and fights with the oxidative stress. Practice Yoga regularly to reduce stress and strain, which in turn also improve focus and concentration power. Spending time with our loved ones can helpful in releasing endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin which are so-called happiness hormones and can drive away our stress and anxiety. Having a pet like Cat or Dog can also proven to be one of the most helpful ways in dealing depression, especially for the teenagers and older people, and they’re most loyal being to us than humans. So, BEAT THE STRESS and SPREAD THE LOVE


  1. It is very helpful. Thank you. I have a suggestion to write more similar topics.

  2. Thank you so much for your reply, sorry f or the late! Yes, your suggestions are welcome, and you can mail me at aafrinm9@gmail.com


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